People’s Power in Merida demonstrates its progress in the communal organization

Merida, August 5, 2022 (Press MinComunas) – This weekend, the Vice Minister for Communal and Social Organization and Participation, Cesar Carrero, deployed to the municipalities of Tovar, Rivas Davila, and Alberto Adriani in Merida State. He verified the communal progress at the organizational and productive level of the Andean entity.

In the municipality of Tovar, in the Mucuties Commune, the spokespersons explained their progress in the renewal of the Communal Councils and how this process boosted their organization; they also described the territory’s potential.

Similarly, in Bailadores, Rivas Davila municipality, Mayor Carla Perez expressed the organization of the People’s Power in the southern territory.

In El Vigia, Alberto Adriani municipality, spokespersons of the Corazon Venezolano Commune expressed their main potential, which is to do carpentry work in a warehouse of the Commune.

This communal organization also has a blockhouse, and its representatives work together to meet their needs in the community.

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