The Ministry for Communes and the Government of Guarico signed an agreement for technical advice on the planting plan

Guarico State, July 14, 2022 (Press MinComunas) – Guarico State Government and the People’s Power Ministry for Communes and Social Movements, through their heads Jose Vasquez and Jorge Arreaza, respectively, signed an agreement for technical advice on everything related to the sowing plan and the economic circuit for the commercialization of the harvest.

The objective is “to work together and achieve an efficient and effective production. The empowered people will continue with the economic rebirth of the country! Commune or nothing!” the regional president expressed on his Twitter account @josemvasquez.

The signing of the agreement took place during the delivery of financing by the Federal Council of Government (CFG) for socio-productive projects and the attention of public services of 57 Communal Councils and Communes of the Plains entity, through the Communal Integration System (SINCO), in a meeting of the Popular Power, in the framework of the Communal Planting Plan, developed in the sector Fundo La Pereña, Commune Camilo Cienfuegos, Valle de la Pascua parish of the municipality Jose Leonardo Infante. The investment reached Bs 3,395,301.

Minister Arreaza informed that after almost three years of work, the CFG’s SINCO system improved to make it simpler and more agile. For this reason, they must reload the projects still under evaluation in the technological platform.

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